Think before you dump

Daily Dump - Compost at Home

Am not clear what happens to the compost yet - but sounds like a plan. If the garbage output of the city reduced by even 50%, it would solve a huge problem! Also, as a byproduct very rich topsoil might really improve yield. How does it get to those who need great topsoil, without being infinitely expensive ? No clue. Or is it sold in "retail size" packets ? Lotsa questions....


Bangalore is officially Bengaluru

somehow the combo of the Anglic and the Vernacular had stronger appeal. So no change in the blog's name for sure.
Not that anyone cares :D

Recycled by BWSSB!

Deccan Herald - Thirsty Bangalore to get recycled water

This is both very encouraging, as well as a little scary. After all, BWSSB does only a just-about-ok job of treating relatively cleaner river water. Recycling is a great idea - especially at only 5% wastage - but running it efficiently is way more critical now, and way bigger a challenge for a governmental org.

Big Un!!!!

Sania stuns Hingis in Los Angeles

I am not a major tennis fan, and this ain't about Bangalore. But stuff like this does not happen everyday :) Wow! Wow!

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